Team 4159 CardinalBotics is Lowell High School’s FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) robotics team. Since our founding year in 2012, we’ve participated in 12 years of the FRC (FIRST Robotics Competitions), where our team has around two months to design a competitive robot from scratch. During competition season, we compete with other high school teams from all around the world at State Regionals, and even World Championships. Beyond that, we strive to inspire local youth, promote creativity, encourage teamwork, and most importantly, spread STEM to our community.

Learn more about our team and competition build season through our article in the San Francisco Chronicle.


CardinalBotics inspires youth by promoting creativity, teamwork, and commitment to our community. We raise support for FIRST and its mission by innovating solutions to technical challenges and publicly promoting science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Through our work as a team, we develop the skills necessary to become leaders of a dynamic and increasingly technology-dependent world.


This past competition season, we worked hard building our robot, Red Bean. Created for the 2024 FIRST Robotics Competition game, Crescendo, Red Bean made its debut at the Sacramento Regional. At the competition, we were selected by the third alliance and competed in the playoffs. Additionally, we were fortunate to be awarded with several accolades.

Our mentor and head coach, Bryan Cooley, won the Woodie Flowers Finalist Award for his outstanding work guiding us for the past 13 years. Through this award, Cooley was given the opportunity to attend the World Championships in Houston alongside other accomplished Woodie Flowers Finalists.

Our team also won the Regional Engineering Inspiration Award, recognizing the accomplishments of our competition robot as well as our efforts to spread STEM and inspire others in our community. Through the award, our team received an invitation to the World Championship in Houston to compete against other teams and award winners.

The World Championships took place in Houston, Texas from April 17th-20th. In Houston, team members had the opportunity to compete and meet with around 600 other teams from around the world. Attending this championship allowed our team to grow and evolve through interactions with other teams and participation in workshops on mechanical, technical, and business topics.